Adult Education


We hope to foster teens’ and adults’ spiritual development in a variety of ways, such as learning new ways of studying biblical texts, rereading familiar Bible passages to find new comfort and meaning, and exploring ways of bringing Christ’s teaching to bear on our daily lives.

We may occasionally use the Christian education hour for topics and discussion involving the whole congregation, when noted in the bulletin. Classes are organized in such a way that no week is a prerequisite to the following week’s class. Please join us!


Christian education classes are held in the Christian Education building’s library Sunday mornings from 11:00 a.m. to noon during the academic year following our fellowship time. You can also attend on Zoom by staying in the Zoom worship service.

Adult Sunday School in February. 

Here's what's coming up this month.

March 2. Enjoy the Deacons’ pancake breakfast!

 March 9. The Rev. Dr. Byron Shafer on: "Thus says the Lord, 'I am about to do a new thing.'"

Dr. Shafer will be doing a Bible study of Isaiah 43:14-21, followed by group discussion of what new things God is calling us to do on God's behalf. We will reflect, among other things, on the recent poll that shows the number of people professing Christianity in the USA has recently stabilized, after a long period of decline. What is to be done with this new opportunity to return to growth?

 March 16. We continue our series of presentations about missions in which Dutch Neck is currently involved. This Sunday, Mr. Shariq Marshall will speak to us about the work of Arm-in-Arm in Trenton. 

 March 23 and 30. Seminary intern Brenna Salverson will be leading two classes on "The Empowerment of Silence.”


All are welcome at the Centering Prayer Group, which meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:15 pm. Please look in your Our Life Together email or call or email Julie Donaldson for the Zoom info or if you have any questions.

Men’s Bible Study meets every Wednesday morning, 7:00 AM.

The Women’s Book club reads a new book each month and discusses it on a Monday or Tuesday evening at 7:30. On Monday, March 17 on Zoom we will discuss The Briar Club by Kate Quinn.

Resources from our classes

Disability Justice in the Church

Amy Kenny’s My Body Is Not a Prayer Request: Disability Justice in the Church

The Golden Rule

Ken Howard’s collection of the Golden Rule in Various Faiths and Belief Systems

Facing Racism

The vocabulary of racism/anti-racism, led by Lulu Huber . Read the slides for the class.

PCUSA’s church-wide anti-racism policy, “Facing Racism: A Vision of the Intercultural Community.” 

A Time for Burning.

Anibal Pella-Woo has provided notes about A Time for Burning and a timeline of the events it describes. Documentary Notes

Resources from our classes based on Jemar Tisby’s The Color of Compromise



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