The church is a white colonial sanctuary that sits close to the road at the intersection of South Mill and Village Roads, surrounded on three sides by a cemetery. There is a large parking lot adjacent, and a more contemporary white and red education building at the east side of the parking lot, with additional parking behind that building.
Arriving from the North:
Come south on U.S. Route 1 to the Princeton Circle, which is Washington Road, NJ Route 571; there will be a sign indicating “Hightstown.”
Go east (left) on Washington Road (you’ll go 3/4 around the circle). After about a mile you will loop over the railroad tracks, continuing on Rte. 571 (Princeton-Hightstown Road). Look again for a “Hightstown” sign as the road bends left, then hooks right as it crosses over the tracks.
Continue east through three traffic lights and turn right at the fourth light, which is South Mill Road
Continue on South Mill Road for nearly a mile. Look for the Dutch Neck Church sign and turn right at the road just beyond it (this will still be South Mill Road), then continue into the village and see the church ahead on your right. (NOTE: If you should miss this right turn, continue on another mile to the first traffic light you will come to; turn right and proceed to the church directly ahead)
Turn into the parking lot just before the sanctuary.
Arriving from the South:
If you are traveling north on US Interstate 95 (from Pennsylvania) or Interstate 295 (in New Jersey), come to U.S. Route 1 North and travel north (New Brunswick sign) for a short distance (less than half a mile).
At Quaker Bridge Road, just beyond Quaker Bridge Mall on the right, go east (right); the sign will read “Mercerville.” Travel east approximately a mile until you go over the bridge over the RR tracks, staying to the left; immediately after the tracks is a traffic light at Village Road.
Turn left here and travel 1.75 miles to the first traffic light you will come to, at Post Road.
Continue beyond this light another half mile to the next major intersection (you will see St. David’s R.C. Church ahead to the left; white, modern architecture) and turn left here. (NOTE: If you miss this turn continue on to the next traffic light, which is Edinburg Road; turn left here, then left again at the next light on Village Road and see the church ahead.)
Then make the first right, just several hundred feet after turning, onto (Old) Village Road.
Proceed a half mile and see the church and cemetery on your left.
Turn left at the church onto South Mill Road and then left again into the parking lot.
Arriving from the New Jersey Turnpike (East):
Get off the Turnpike at Exit 8 (Hightstown). Take Route 133, Princeton; this will merge into Route 571.
Take Rte. 571, going west toward Princeton, for 1.5 miles to the 2nd traffic light, Southfield Road.
Turn left and proceed another 1.5 miles to (Old) Village Road East, first road beyond the golf course, just before you get to the stop sign.
Turn right onto Village Road and proceed past a large farm on your right, a synagogue on your left, just over 1 mile to the church, which you will see ahead.
Turn right, then left into the parking lot.