Our congregation, formed in 1816, currently has around 250 members and is a lively reflection of our neighborhood. During our Sunday worship celebrations, we have adapted to incorporate new technology, which has meant that we’ve been able to extend our welcome to neighbors far and wide! We have Dutch Neckers zooming in from Maine, Delaware, the Netherlands, the UK, and all kinds of places!
Our congregation participated in the U.S. Congregational Vitality Survey in 2019; you can read a selection of the report here which outlines some demographics of our congregation at that point in time. If you’d like to read the full report, please contact our office administrator. The report showed that based on worshiper survey results, our congregation's greatest strength is in caring relationships and our congregation is least strong in evangelism, so you may not see a lot of advertising about us in the community but you’ll be well cared for by our folks!
We are a member of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and joyfully embrace our denomination’s welcome and affirmation of the LGBTQ+ community. You are invited to be fully yourself with us; to lead, teach, get married, and bring all of who you are as you reflect God’s image and enrich our community to the glory of God.
Through the vegetable garden in our backyard, we partner with RISE Food Pantry to provide home-grown food.
Coinciding with the US Government’s third round of stimulus checks during the pandemic, we partnered with RIP Medical Debt to forgive nearly $2.5 million in medical debt for our neighbors in New Jersey and West Virginia. Read about it here.
Each year, we participate in the National Alliance on Mental Illness walks. Read about our involvement here.
We also participate in the Church World Service CROP walk. Read about it here.