Since 1816 in Dutch Neck;
200 years and counting!

Worship Services 9:30 am Sundays in the sanctuary and on Zoom

Midweek Noon Prayer and Check-in Meeting 12:00 pm Wednesdays on Zoom

Please email the pastor for instructions to join us.

You no longer need to reserve a seat for in-person worship .

Current News and Events

We offer our sanctuary service online. Please email the office for instructions to join us on Zoom.


Welcome to the First Presbyterian Church of Dutch Neck online!

We are delighted you found us here.
Dutch Neck has been around as a faithful community for over 200 years, and we look forward to many more years to come. Please worship in person or remotely with us any Sunday morning at 9:30 am as we continue to hear and sing God’s Word, re-energize ourselves with the guiding Spirit and are then sent into the world to be Christ’s hands and feet. Browse around on the pages of this website or click on our Facebook link and discover the many music, children, youth, educational, and outreach ministries that may entice you. We hope you will find what you are looking for. Never hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions. We will answer them electronically or in person: I am looking forward to meeting you!

The Rev. Jan Willem van der Werff