RIP Medical Debt
This spring and summer we worked to relieve the burden of medical debt for people in central New Jersey who meet at least one of the following criteria:
Earn less than 2x the federal poverty level.
Debts are 5 percent or more of their annual income.
Facing insolvency — debts are greater than assets.
Medical debts are believed to be the #1 cause of personal bankruptcy in America. We expect every $100 donated will forgive roughly $10,000 in medical debt. Our goal was to raise at least $15,000 to forgive somewhere around $1.5 million dollars of debt in central New Jersey. As of July 31 we raised $16,551.21!
RIP is now working on buying medical debt with the money we raised.
Too many of our neighbors are laboring under crushing debt. We can make a direct difference to their lives by relieving them of this burden. What an amazing opportunity!
“Lord, help us to work & pray for a debt-free world, as you taught us.”