MLK Jr. Day Of Service Jan 16

The Mission committee will be participating with the West Windsor Arts Council's Martin Luther King Day of Service this year on Monday, January 16 2023.
We will be assembling "Healthy Bedtime Kits" for children ages 3-10. The kits will include:
New pair of pajamas
story book
We invite anyone who would like to donate any of these items for the kits to bring the items to church. The wagon will be in the Narthex and the covered bin will be outside of Fellowship Hall for the next 2 Sundays.
We also invite anyone who would like to participate in this day of MLK service program to come to Fellowship Hall on Monday January 16 from 10-12 to assemble the kits. We will have supplies available so each kit will include a note of inspiration, a quote or a drawing.
Come one, come all and please invite a friend.