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How to use Gather

Use the arrow or WASD keys to move around

Video chats turn on automatically when in spaces/proximity

Use X to interact with objects

For more navigation info, check out Gather 101

DNYouth Gather - Main.png

Common Room

Gather in groups, play some digital board games together, meet up with friends.

Each rug is a separate private space, each like its own Zoom call. Or, just hang with a friend in the open area or around one of the tables.

Dutch Neck Youth Gather - Chapel.png


There are spotlights at the pulpit and the communion table which broadcast to everyone else in the room, muting their microphones (but maintaining their video connection)

People can raise their hand (either on screen or with the "Raise Hand" feature) and the host can share the spotlight so they can address the room.


Education Room

This room has tables to gather around and a central mic for someone to teach from. Everyone else is able to participate in the conversation around their tables or by raising their hand to talk to the room.

Room-Rory's Office.png

Pastor’s Office

The circles make space for private conversations to take place. Only people standing on those points are connected by audio and video.

I'll be "in my office" regularly, so you'll be able to find me if you want to connect.


Email Rory for the password

Security, Privacy, and Safety

Gather uses a similar videoconferencing protocol as Google Meet and other web based video calling platforms. Video is encrypted between Gather’s servers and users. For more information about the technical specs of Gather, read Gather’s FAQ here.

Dutch Neck Presbyterian is committed to keeping members and guests safe and well cared for. To this end, we have adopted a Safe Church policy. Gather poses a unique challenge to adapt the procedures outlined in the Safe Church policy, however many of the situations that relate to our physical gatherings translate quite smoothly to online gatherings.